This story, shrouded in mystery, was inspired by a disciple who wished to remain nameless. Ask not whether he ever wrote down these exact words, because deep as is the well of the past, you will hear only your skeptical question echoing back to you. But if you submerge yourself in this honest account with silent awe, you will hear the voices of the authors of those apocryphal writings that had been lost or burned long ago, or had not yet surfaced from under the endless sands of time. This book transcribes the words of a faithful disciple who saw what treachery, prejudice, hatred, and blind devotion to creeds can lead to.

This vision of his compelled him to preserve the benevolent truth for a time to come when people may accept that the vainglory of some followers wanted to build an eternal monument to themselves in the name of the Master, who never even owned a tent. It was their thirst for power that set the younger brother against the older brother. All these brothers, led by Paul who used to be Saul, conspired to silence the true disciple, who thus had to write secretly. He hid his scroll in the hope that his message would reach people someday when they would be ready to accept that the One who said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend,” offered His very life to free Barabbas from Pilate’s dungeon.

Many will reject this account: skeptics who believe only their own truths. But there also will be firm believers who dare to test the strength of their faith by accepting the legitimacy of another’s faith. This book is for those who thirst for a past that can bring peace and understanding between creeds and can lead to a brighter future.

/Not included in the printed book/

This story, shrouded in mystery, was inspired by a disciple who wished to remain nameless. Ask not whether he ever wrote down these exact words, because deep as is the well of the past, you will hear only your skeptical question echoing back to you. But if you submerge yourself in this honest account with silent awe, you will hear the voices of the authors of those apocryphal writings that had been lost or burned long ago, or had not yet surfaced from under the endless sands of time.
This book transcribes the words of a faithful disciple who saw what treachery, prejudice, hatred, and blind devotion to creeds can lead to. This vision of his compelled him to preserve the benevolent truth for a time to come when people may accept that the vainglory of some followers wanted to build an eternal monument to themselves in the name of the Master, who never even owned a tent. It was their thirst for power that set the younger brother against the older brother. All these brothers, led by Paul who used to be Saul, conspired to silence the true disciple, who thus had to write secretly. He hid his scroll in the hope that his message would reach people someday when they would be ready to accept that the One who said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend,” offered His very life to free Barabbas from Pilate’s dungeon. Many will reject this account: skeptics who believe only their own truths. But there also will be firm believers who dare to test the strength of their faith by accepting the legitimacy of another’s faith. This book is for those who thirst for a past that can bring peace and understanding between creeds and can lead to a brighter future.

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